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Payroll administration

Does your company’s payroll administration take up too much of your valuable time? Would you like to make sure that your company complies with the standards of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration? Do you have questions about Dutch labor regulations and how they affect your business?

Koppel Services can take care your payroll administration for you, either in part or in its entirety. This can help you to significantly reduce your administrative costs and simultaneously optimize unnecessarily time-consuming processes within your organization. Our experienced payroll administrators will make sure everything is handled smoothly and professionally.

Do you want to know what we can do to simplify your payroll administration? Our team is always happy to provide tailor-made advice.

Simple and precise

The payroll administration plays an important part in your organization’s day-to-day activities. It provides you with the infrastructure necessary to make sure that your employees are paid promptly and correctly. At the same time, your payroll administration provides an important record of the way you handle your fiscal responsibilities.

That’s why it’s important to make sure that your payroll administration is maintained correctly. After all, mistakes will not only lead to decreased employee satisfaction – they may also engender disputes with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. Thanks to the precision and diligence of our payroll specialists, however, your payroll administration will always meet the highest quality standards.

Discover our versatile services

Business services

Do you need to get your organizational processes under control? Are you facing important strategic challenges, or would you like a clearer picture of where your business opportunities lie? Koppel Services provides tailor-made professional advice.

Tax services

Do you have questions about your tax situation? The team at Koppel Services can provide you with expert fiscal advice. We give you a detailed insight into your fiscal obligations and help you find the optimal approach to your organizational taxes.

Administrative services

Does your business administration take up too much of your time? Would you like to outsource your financial reporting or administration to a qualified professional? Koppel Services has the know-how and expertise to ease your administrative burdens.

Dedicated, personal service

We understand that every business is different. And by extension, that means every payroll is unique as well. This is what sets us apart from other administrative service providers: our payroll administrators will always focus on your goals, your business processes and your needs. After all, standardized solutions will only take you so far. In the end, the tools we use must be geared to your business to be truly effective.

This personalization is seen in every aspect of our payroll administration services, from the advice we offer you to the way we handle your payments. Every decision we make is geared towards your success, and our administrators will always make sure your payroll is handled perfectly.

Custom solutions for your payroll administration

Managing a payroll administration is a complex task. The size of your organization, the industry you work in and the contracts you use all affect the shape of your administrative responsibilities. That’s why our payroll administrators look for solutions that will benefit every aspect of your business.

Our experts will analyze your current situation and consult with you to determine the best way to handle your payroll administration. Once we’ve found the best approach, our team will take over any aspects of your payroll that you’d like to outsource.

Do you need advice on matters related to your payroll, or would you like to outsource it entirely? Simply get in touch with Koppel Services and set up an appointment today.