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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


Alpe D’Huzes Annual Report

Alpe d’Huzes Annual report and spending
Or: How do you organize the Netherlands biggest fundraiser without costs?

2010 was again a record year for Alpe d’Huzes. More participants and more money raised led to a successful fundraiser for the fifth consecutive year. There was once again a new record amount raised, this time more than 12 million euros! Alpe d’Huzes has left other big fundraisers in its wake and has now become the Netherlands’ single largest annual fundraiser. That is indeed something to be proud of, especially since over 100% of all donations to Alpe d’Huzes go to charity. No other organization can say the same.
Everything can be read in our annual report, which was drafted thanks to the –obviously free- efforts of BDO and was approved by Deloitte. Since of course we would like to report what has happened to the donated money and what is going to happen to it in the future.

Want to know more about the finances of Alpe d’Huzes?
Naturally Alpe d’Huzes is very open about their financial affairs. We owe at least that much to all the people, sponsors and supporters who committed to supporting us for a whole year long. The growth of the event and the ever increasing visibility (Alpe d’huzes was, after Serious Request the most well known fundraiser in the Netherlands in 2010) of the organization has increased the need for the utmost transparency in what happens with the donations, so we are pleased to present this annual report. A quote:
“Due to its stringent financial policy, the generation of additional revenue, not to mention the unpaid efforts of all volunteers, the Foundation (Stichting) has fulfilled its promise to give at least 100% of all donations received to the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding). In the period since the establishment of Alpe d’Huzes Foundation in 2006  to 31 October 2010, the Foundation has received a total of over €21.76 million in sponsorship and donations. During that period, a total of €22.45 million has been paid to KWF, or more than 103% of the sponsorship and donations received.”
Where does all that money go? Alpe d’Huzes has put a number of important initiatives in place in recent years. The cancer rehabilitation programme A-CaRe is the most famous example, next to the professorship “Living With Cancer” at the Amsterdam VU, where Irma Verdonck is the professor. For this chair 8 projects have been initiated for which Alpe d’Huzes has already pledged €3,5 million. €3 million is already reserved for a second series of projects that will start in 2011 and 2012.
In addition, since 2010 there is the new chair at the VU of Amsterdam “Cancer and Nutrition”, with Ellen Kampman as professor. This chair is also in line with our mission “Good, Happy and Healthy Living with Cancer”. This chair was developed with close cooperation between the Wageningen University and the VU Amsterdam. The chair and the research focus on nutrition during and after cancer.
Alpe d´Huzes has €4 million reserved for projects under the umbrella of the programme “Cancer and Nutrition” at this moment. Furthermore there is to be investment in, among other projects, quick diagnosis, whereby patients receive a much faster confirmation if they have cancer, and if so what type it is. Three hospitals will take part in the first instance: the Netherlands Cancer Institute, the Radboud MC and the UMC Utrecht. The programme will be led by Professor Bert Kersten from Nyenrode.   
Alpe d´Huzes will also spend money on new initiatives such as the Bas Mulder Award for young researchers and there are a number of research projects planned, for which applications are reviewed by the Scientific Council of KWF.
Click for more information on our page Spending