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Do you want direct access to important fiscal and financial news? Thanks to Koppel Services, staying up-to-date has never been easier. Our news section offers in-depth insights into a wide range of financial, organizational, administrative and tax-related topics. As part of our professional philosophy, we keep track of important developments across a wide range of industries. This not only gives us a uniquely comprehensive perspective on international tax laws and regulations, but also allows us to delve deeper into subjects that are relevant to your business. If you're looking for a specific story or insight, please select a category to the right. Our news selection will update automatically to reflect your choice.

A comprehensive guide to tax in the Netherlands

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 29 March 2017

Each year, many international professionals come to the Netherlands to live and work, and rightly so. Our country is a fantastic place, with many business opportunities for those willing to seize them. But many visitors overlook a crucial detail: the fact that the Netherlands has one of the most complicated tax systems in the world. […]

Aanvulling partnerbegrip

Starting a business with the 30% ruling

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 17 September 2013

In the third and final article in our business startup series we will discuss how to start a business in the Netherlands with the 30% ruling.

Preliminary questions 150km border in 30%-ruling

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 12 August 2013

The rule that employees must come from outside 150km from the border to be eligible for the 30%-ruling is again up for discussion.

150km expat ruling revisited

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 21 March 2013

The Court of Haarlem has recently decided that the 150km norm for incoming workers is contrary to EU law allowing freedom of movement for workers

Geen naheffing over teveel ingehouden pensioenpremie

Dutch income tax return 2012

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 5 February 2013

Did you receive your Dutch tax return form or expect that you have underpaid tax in The Netherlands? Have a look at some useful Dutch Tax Tips!

Definition 30% ruling

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 27 January 2013

Due to some unintended consequences a change has been made to the 30%-ruling with retroactive effect.

30% ruling tax return

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 25 January 2013

The 30%-ruling may also be applied to other forms of income other than salary paid through the payroll system, according to a recent ruling by the Breda Court.

Tax in the Netherlands Part 7

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 11 September 2012

This article continues our series on taxation in The Netherlands. In this article we will discuss inheritance and gift tax, the upcoming change to the VAT rate and the updated 30% ruling.

30% ruling questioned

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 9 August 2012

On April 27 the Supreme Court of the Netherlands published a court case in which the 30% ruling was in question. The question was whether the 30% ruling is allowed for income from options which is received after the end of the actual employment period.

Tax in the Netherlands part 6

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 7 August 2012

Part 6 of our series about tax in the Netherlands

Misleading question 30% ruling

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 25 July 2012

According to PwC, companies what use the online 30%-ruling application form from the Belastingdienst are being misled. Namely with regard to the question over what constitutes an incoming employee.

Tax in the Netherlands part 5

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 18 June 2012

The 5th article in our series on tax in the Netherlands discusses the changes made to 30% ruling on January 1, 2012, the risks of the 30% rule and what happens when the ruling expires.

Expat pensions

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 7 June 2012

Expats have considerably more difficulty when planning for retirement. Be aware of your rights and entitlements for pensions in your birth and adopted countries. Here is an overview of the Dutch AOW state pension.

Additions 30%-ruling

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 22 May 2012

The tax office have cleared up some ambiguities surrounding some parts of the new 30%-ruling. The 25-year period and the condition of specific expertise are further clarified.

Tax in the Netherlands part 4

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 26 April 2012

The fourth edition of our series on Tax in the Netherlands discusses requests for an extension for filing the tax return and the penalties for the late submission of returns.

Expat Experiences – Dutch pay slip

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 26 March 2012

If you are new to the Netherlands you might have had more than a little trouble deciphering your pay slip at the end of the month. We have compiled a brief explanation of some of the terms and deductions to lessen the shock at the end of the month when your wallet is a bit lighter than you expected it to be.

Tax in the Netherlands part 3

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 14 March 2012

This article discusses the consequences for late filing or failure to file income tax returns, the transition from employment to self-employment and offers tips and tricks for the income tax return 2011.

Tax in the Netherlands part 2

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 12 February 2012

Part 2 of our series about tax in the Netherlands for expats and self-employed persons

Taxes in the Netherlands

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 19 January 2012

A summary of the tax obligations for foreign workers upon commencement of employment in the Netherlands, including information on the Social Security number, immigration M-form, partial non residency and deferral of tax returns.

30% ruling lapses 3 months after employment ends

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 11 January 2012

A recent court case concluded that a foreign worker may no longer apply the 30% rule if three months has passed since their employment ended.

30%-ruling for stock options

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 4 January 2012

The 30%-ruling also applies to income from stock options received after departure from the Netherlands according to a recent decision from the Dutch Supreme Court

2012 Memorandum of reply

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 7 December 2011

Junior finance minister Weekers sent the memorandum of reply with regard to the Tax plan 2012 legislative proposal to the Upper House. Relevant parts concerning the 30%-ruling are further clarified.

2nd update 30% changes

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 22 November 2011

Update on the changes to the 30%-ruling, the most notable change being the reduction of the maximum grant period from 10 to 8 years.

update 30% changes

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 15 November 2011

The proposed salary cap for the 30% ruling has been softened. The salary cap of Eur 50,619 will be lowered to Eur 35,000 (excluding 30%-ruling) and there will be no salary cap for researchers and scientists employed with subsidised research institutions or educational institutions.

30% ruling important news!

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 13 November 2011

Last Friday the latest changes were presented for the 2012 tax laws. The most important one for the 30% ruling is the lowering of the minimum salary. Instead of 72K a salary of 50K will be enough to apply for the 30% ruling.