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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


Feuding with the neighbours causes lower house value

Conflict with the neighbours? Lower house value!

Recently, the Amsterdam Court ruled that fighting with the neighbours can affect the WOZ-value. According to the Court, a conflict that a man had with his neighbours on the reference at value had an influence on the amount that a supposed buyer would be willing to pay for the property. The Court reduced the value of the home by € 75,000.

The municipal tax officials had set the value of the property at € 635,000 and the objection from the interested parties were declared unfounded. The Utrecht District Court also dismissed the appeal as unfounded.

Then it was the turn of the Amsterdam Court to consider whether the dispute between the property owner and his neighbours had an effect on the value. The Amsterdam Court is of the opinion that the conflict of the interested party with their neighbours, and the impact of the behaviour of these neighbours on local residents, is of such proportion that in event of sale of the property for the seller, the potential buyer of the property will inevitably be informed of the conflict. Moreover, the conflict has become nationally known which makes it less likely that potential buyers will proceed to an actual purchase, unless it is for a lower price.

The property is located in a dominant courtyard with an access way through the grounds of the neighbours. The property owner has produced many documents, including statements from neighbours and police records. These show that various complaint were made concerning the behaviour of the neighbours. There are also various complaints made by neighbouring residents and visitors to the property owner. The trouble is known to others outside the community due to a public television programme and publications in the national press. The Court decided the appeal was founded and reduced the value to € 560,000.
•LJN: BQ9844, Gerechtshof Amsterdam , 09/00808

 Source: Accountancynieuws