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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


Fringe benefit rate less in neighbouring countries

In the Netherlands the fringe benefit added to income for a business vehicle which is used privately is structurally higher than in neighbouring countries.

So concluded the Vereniging Auto van de Zaak that does research every year on the differences in the fringe benefit rates of neighbouring countries.

The contrast with our neighbouring countries has become greater in 2011. So an average Belgian worker pays 77% less compared to a Dutch worker.

An Englishman pays 39% less and a German worker 74% less than a Dutch worker. The results from this research were gleaned from the hypothetical situation of a worker with a VW Passat from 2009.

Sceptics are quick to point out that there are situations in the Netherlands in which 20% and 14% categories are applicable. However, even with a 20% fringe benefit rate the Dutch is 46% more expensive than the fringe benefit rate in neighbouring countries. In the Netherlands the majority of drivers use a car with a 25% FBT rate. Four years ago, the 20% FBT category was not in existence yet, and by 1 January 2013 this category will again be adjusted by the government.