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Written by:
Marcel Frazer


Full statutory minimum wage entitlement from age 21

The Upper House of the Dutch Parliament has passed as a formality the amendment of the Minimum Wage cum Minimum Holiday Allowance Act of the Netherlands. This has resulted in young adults age 21 and over (compared with 23 under the old legislation) now being entitled to full statutory minimum wage. Statutory minimum wage levels for 18 to 20 year olds have gone up. The effective date of the revised legislation, which has already been published in the Netherlands Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees, is to be fixed by Royal Decree.

Full statutory minimum wage has amounted to € 1,551.60 gross per month, or € 358.05 per week, since the first of January 2017.

The legislative amendment has moreover put in place an unambiguous basis for minimum wage payment, and the enforcement thereof, for so-called contract extras. Last but not least, in order to make sure that piece workers do not end up underpaid (at less than the minimum wage) the piece work regime too has undergone amendment.

Please consult our article for an overview of the latest statutory minimum wage levels.

Dutch version: Vanaf 21 jaar recht op volledig wettelijk minimumloon