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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


Hang on a minute!

Private member’s bill protection against inquisitive tax authorities

The Members of Parliament Ineke Dezentjé Hamming (VVD) and Ed Groot (PvdA) defended with verve a bill which reinforces the legal position of individuals and companies against the Tax Office in the Upper House yesterday.

“I want to put a legal limit on the curiosity of tax inspectors”, stated Dezentjé Hamming, who, with PvdA'er Ferd Crone made the initial proposal in 2006.

The bill that was passed into Act yesterday offers individuals and companies the possibility of appealing against the often extensive and sometimes irrelevant information requests of the Tax Office. “This law must put an end to the insatiable demands of the Tax Office and ensure a level playing field between the taxpayer and the Tax Office."

A summary of the new procedure:
•the Tax Office request information,
•within ten days an objection can be made and a provisional suspension can be requested,
•within two months the judge decides on the request for provisional suspension.