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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


Income tax return filing deadline!

There’s no way around it: the first of May is the new income tax return filing deadline in the Netherlands. Reporting with the tax authorities on one’s annual income tax and national insurance contributions is one of those unavoidable chores, and this year’s extended deadline is rapidly approaching … and it is every bit as firm as the old one ever was!

The Tax and Customs Administration is committed (so they have announced) to ensuring that those who file between the 15th of April and the first of May 2015 receive an answer before the first of July. Those who file even earlier, before the 15th of April, should certainly be informed where they’re at before the first of July. Those for whom it turns out not to be possible to meet the deadline of 1 May have the option of filing for a delay. Ignore this at your peril, for penalties will promptly be slapped on anyone who fails to play by the rules! 

If you are doubting your ability to meet this year’s deadline for filing, simply get in touch with Koppel Tax Consultants and have us sort the problem for you … leaving you a little more time to pursue more enjoyable pastimes!

No blue envelope in the post?

Please do not assume that the Tax and Customs Administration has exempted you from filing an income tax return if you haven’t yet received the infamous blue envelope in the post: if it is your expectation that you may have to pay tax or if you are entitled to a rebate of at least 14 euros, you would do well to fill in an income tax form anyway. The days of dabbling and dawdling using pen and paper, a calculator and loads of white-out are over: these days the Tax and Customs Administration’s web site makes it really easy to fill in and submit your income tax return, and of course there is the “Aangifte (Tax Return) 2014” app. Could it be any easier?

Delay for filing corporation tax

A second deadline which we would advise you to bear in mind is that of 1 June, as the final date for requesting a delay for filing your corporation tax return. You do this by going to the Tax and Customs Administration’s web site and filling in the form entitled “Aanvraag individueel uitstel inkomstenbelasting of vennootschapsbelasting” (Request for one-off delay for filing income or corporation tax return). We agree it’s a bit of a mouthful, but it works!

Koppel Tax Consultants will be delighted to take care of all your tax returns for you.