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Written by:
Marcel Frazer


Minimum wage amounts and social insurance rates for 2017

The minimum wage amounts are subject to six-monthly adjustment. The amounts – per age bracket, in gross terms and exclusive of holiday pay – with effect from the first of January 2017 are as follows:

Minimum wage (all amounts in euros)
age bracket per month per week per day
23 years and over 1,551.60 358.05 71.61
22 years 1,318.85 304.35 60..87
21 years 1,124.90 259.60 51.92
20 y ears 954.25 220.20 44.04
19 years 814.60 188.00 37.60
18 years 706.00 162.90 32.58
17 years 612.90 141,45 28.29
16 years 535.30 123.55 24.71
15 years 465.50 107.40 21.48


The social cum employee insurance rates as at the first of January 2017 are as follows:

Contribution by virtue of 2016 2017
General Old Age Pensions Act (“AOW”) 17.9% 17.9%
Surviving Dependents’ Pension Act (“Anw”) 0.6% 0.5%
Long Term Care Act (“Wlz”) 9.65% 9.65%
Invalidity Insurance Act/Work and Income 5.88% 5.16%
Return to Work Fund (“Whk”) break-even premium 1.12% 1.16%
General Unemployment Fund (“Awf”) 2.44% 2.64%
Health Insurance Act (“Zvw”) (employee contribution) 6.75% 6.65%
Public Sector Social Security Implementation Fund (“UFO”) 0.78% 0.78%
Sectoral Fund (average) 1.78% 1.36%
Replacement sectoral contribution 2.16% 1.77%
Employer’s child care contribution 0.5% 0.5%
Health Insurance Act (“Zvw”) (non-employees) 5.5% 5.4%
Maximum income assessable for employee insurance scheme purposes € 52,763 € 53,701


Dutch version: Bedragen minimumloon en premiepercentages 2017