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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


More time for self-administered pensions

It has been decided to give directors-cum-controlling shareholders whose pension schemes are self-administered an additional three month term (until the first of April rather than the first of January 2017) to pass and implement the necessary shareholder resolutions so as to provide for the requisite changes. It follows that it will continue to be able until the first of April 2017 to transfer to the director’s own company the externally insured portion(s) of his or her pension provision. A delegation clause in extension of the deadline has been added to the text of the draft legislation concerning the abolition of self-administered pension.

Meanwhile measures are being taken to ensure that the full complement of retirement benefits in the wake of commutation of a retirement commitment to an annuity product should be liable for tax, as an adjustment of a technical nature aimed at bringing the draft legislation into line with the underlying principle.

Don’t forget to read: Abolition of self-managed pension scheme

Dutch version: Meer tijd voor dga met pensioen in eigen beheer