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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


New benefit system online

Citizens can now request, change or cease their benefits online 24/7 using their DigiD on For intermediaries the BAPI channel will be open to receive benefit messages.

New benefit system
The site is the final step in the introduction of a Nieuw Toeslagen Systeem (NTS) by the tax office. In the new system the calculation of the advance will also be streamlined.

Which allowances
The ruling applies to the healthcare allowance, rent allowance, childcare allowance and caregiver’s supplement.

Single income
In the new system only one income is given and all benefits and allowances are based on this amount. As a result the advance may be lower or higher than some people are used to.

Linked system
Changes of address which the tax office are informed of by the municipality are processed almost in real time. When two people go to live together, the allowance is automatically adjusted.

“The site offers a handy summary of the benefits requested. Also any changes become much simpler. More clarity and less hassle”, according to Junior finance minister Weekers.

Tax Telephone
This week more than 6 million households received the annual provision of a total of 8 million in rent-, healthcare-, and childcare allowances and the caregiver’s supplement. In order to help these people as much as possible the capacity of the Belastingtelefoon (0800 – 053) has been expanded. Saturday 10th and Saturday 17th of December you can call between 9am and 4pm. The normal times are from Monday to Thursday from 8am to 8pm and on Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Our 2012 programme
The special download programme which as an intermediary we use to request or change allowances (pincode variant) is no longer available. In its place the BAPI channel is available for receiving benefit reports. Our supplier will provide us with the software as soon as possible so that we can perform these services for you in 2012.