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Do you want direct access to important fiscal and financial news? Thanks to Koppel Services, staying up-to-date has never been easier. Our news section offers in-depth insights into a wide range of financial, organizational, administrative and tax-related topics. As part of our professional philosophy, we keep track of important developments across a wide range of industries. This not only gives us a uniquely comprehensive perspective on international tax laws and regulations, but also allows us to delve deeper into subjects that are relevant to your business. If you're looking for a specific story or insight, please select a category to the right. Our news selection will update automatically to reflect your choice.

CO2 Neutral!

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 22 February 2012

We are now CO2 neutral! Through smarter solutions to central heating, airconditioning and LED lighting we are now a sustainable, CO2 neutral office. This is our way of contributing to environmental sustainability. The fact that such investments are also rewarded by extra tax deductions, is a pleasant bonus.

Tax in the Netherlands part 2

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 12 February 2012

Part 2 of our series about tax in the Netherlands for expats and self-employed persons

No tax return form received?

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 1 February 2012

The fact that no tax return form is issued and/or a preliminary assessment is missing does not prevent the recovery of outstanding tax on Swiss disability benefits

One client business

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 31 January 2012

Considering whether or not there is a business with only one client depends on all the facts and circumstances. A recent court case in Breda helps to clarify some of the criteria

Timely filing of objection VAT 2011

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 31 January 2012

There is a new centralized arrangement between the Ministry of Finance and tax advice organizations for the private use of the company car. It is important to make an objection to the private use adjustment in good time in order to enjoy the benefits.

Small business scheme not for businesses based abroad

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 30 January 2012

Businesses without a permanent establishment in the Netherlands are not entitled to the Dutch small business scheme with regard to VAT, according to a recent Breda Court ruling.

Sports 3, Tax Office 0

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 26 January 2012

Bad tactics, lateness, foul play. All from a single stubborn tax inspector. No wonder that the tax office went down like a lead balloon in this game. Some decent coaching wouldn’t hurt.

Taxes in the Netherlands

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 19 January 2012

A summary of the tax obligations for foreign workers upon commencement of employment in the Netherlands, including information on the Social Security number, immigration M-form, partial non residency and deferral of tax returns.

30% ruling lapses 3 months after employment ends

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 11 January 2012

A recent court case concluded that a foreign worker may no longer apply the 30% rule if three months has passed since their employment ended.

Expat Housing Seminar 4

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 10 January 2012

There is another Expat Housing Seminar on February 21th!! Along with 3 other participants we can answer all your questions about buying a house in the Netherlands. Seats are limited.

30%-ruling for stock options

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 4 January 2012

The 30%-ruling also applies to income from stock options received after departure from the Netherlands according to a recent decision from the Dutch Supreme Court

New benefit system online

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 31 December 2011

New possibilities for the application and changes for benefits. More services possible through a seemingly simple solution.

Salary DGA

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 15 December 2011

Amount of conventional salary (gebruikelijk loon) for 2012 determind

Digi D Fraud

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 13 December 2011

DigiD information and passwords are being fraudulently requested by email. The tax office are cooperating with the FIOD.

2012 Memorandum of reply

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 7 December 2011

Junior finance minister Weekers sent the memorandum of reply with regard to the Tax plan 2012 legislative proposal to the Upper House. Relevant parts concerning the 30%-ruling are further clarified.

NL in conflict with EU law

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 1 December 2011

SAn important element of free movement within the EU is the removal of tax barriers. Recently the European Court of Justice has made an interesting ruling on the discriminatory exit tax in the Netherlands declaring it as inconsisten with EU law. A major step forwards.

Living together?

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 30 November 2011

All the rules concerning living arrangements have been drastically revised. Take note of the formal changes to obtaining and retaining a tax partnership. Let us advise you on this matter. The deadline is Janyary 1, 2012.

2nd update 30% changes

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 22 November 2011

Update on the changes to the 30%-ruling, the most notable change being the reduction of the maximum grant period from 10 to 8 years.

update 30% changes

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 15 November 2011

The proposed salary cap for the 30% ruling has been softened. The salary cap of Eur 50,619 will be lowered to Eur 35,000 (excluding 30%-ruling) and there will be no salary cap for researchers and scientists employed with subsidised research institutions or educational institutions.

30% ruling important news!

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 13 November 2011

Last Friday the latest changes were presented for the 2012 tax laws. The most important one for the 30% ruling is the lowering of the minimum salary. Instead of 72K a salary of 50K will be enough to apply for the 30% ruling.

Benefit requests/changes

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 12 November 2011

The Tax Office has recently begun with the implementation the new benefits system. Applications for requests and changes to benefits are no longer able to be made offline.

30% ruling changes proposal

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 9 November 2011

On Friday the 4th of November the State Secretary published the proposed tax law changes with respect to the 30% ruling. The following articles stand out: The obligation to fulfil the 30% ruling requirements, the…

2012 tax changes

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 18 October 2011

As from 2012 there will be changes to Tax law. We have outlined some of these changes for you.

Expat Housing Seminar 3

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 18 October 2011

Due to the success of the first Expat Housing Seminar we are participating in another seminar on November 8th about the advantages of buying a house as opposed to renting for expats in the Netherlands. Along with Expat Mortgages, Mie-Lan Kok Estate Agency and Buma/Algera Civil Law notaries, Koppel Tax Consultants can answer all your […]

Amsterdam afraid of expat exodus

Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 12 October 2011

In the Tax Plan for 2012 Weekers had announced his intentions to bring the 30% ruling in line with the knowledge migrant scheme, which has an income threshold in order to prevent misuse. Amsterdam is concerned that young IT professionals, teachers or designers will not satisfy the income level and will find work elsewhere abroad.