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Written by:
Stan Evers


Notices of objection to “Box 3” taxation

The State Secretary for Finance has announced that instructions are being prepared for class-action notices of objection to the 2017 income tax assessment in connection with “Box 3” taxation. Tax payers who object to their income tax assessment are each under the obligation individually and promptly to submit a notice of objection including where class-action instructions have been issued. The Netherlands Tax Payers’ Alliance has called on tax payers to object to their “Box 3” taxation as part of their 2017 income tax assessment.

A set of instructions for class-action notices of objection to investment yield tax assessments for the tax years up to 2016 inclusive is already in force. As a change in the calculation of the fixed-rate yield was introduced in 2017, the outcome of such proceedings for the years up to 2016 inclusive as are still pending will not be decisive where it concerns objections to the income tax assessments for 2017 (and subsequent years). The State Secretary has pointed out that the Tax and Customs Administration will entertain any notices of objection to income tax assessments for 2017 submitted prior to the 15th of July 2018 in which the correctness of the calculation of the fixed-rate yield is challenged as if they had been submitted in good time.

If you could do with a helping hand in drawing up your notice of objection, remember that we are there to offer you just that!

Dutch version: Bezwaarschriften belastingheffing in box 3