Koppel Services

Portal opens for TVL applications for Q4

RVO, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (which is available at www.rvo.nl), has announced that the designated portal has been open since 25 November last for TVL (Fixed Cost Compensation scheme) applications for the fourth quarter of the current year. The TVL scheme has been designed to help SMEs in COVID-19 affected business sectors cope with their fixed costs. Credit institutions and financial institutions, holding companies, households, publicly funded schools and (international) government institutions are all excluded from participation in the TVL scheme, admission to which is strictly conditional upon the applicant business in question being able to tick each of the following boxes:

Hospitality businesses that have been ordered to shut down for COVID‑19 related reasons are eligible for a one-off top-up of their TVL allowance, to help compensate their loss of inventory. A separate support module for Q4 2020 is to be introduced for businesses in and suppliers to the event industry, on condition that the businesses in question should already have collected a TVL allowance during the period from June to September 2020 inclusive.

Dutch version: Loket aanvraag TVL vierde kwartaal geopend

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