Name organisation:
Bureau voor Credit Management
André Groot
Organisation type:
No-cure, no-pay debt collection services
Total staff:
Debt collection
Koppel Services knows how to translate tricky tax issues into instant tax advice – no frills, no jargon
BvCM’s previous audit firm was one of the “Big Four” players in the Dutch market, as reflected not least, André recalls, in the steep hourly rates they charged: “In fact, no sooner was the first year over or they had to admit to not being able within the pre-set budget to complete the preparation of our financial statements, which was what we had been asking them to do in the first place.” BvCM engaged an accounting consultant to “prep” the financial information before sending it on to the audit firm, but this failed to do the cost reduction trick.
When a business associate of André’s recommended Koppel Services, André decided to schedule an appointment with Nico Koppel … and the rest, as they say, is history. “We instantly hit it off. Can’t say why, but it definitely had something to do with the way Nico talks.” André was particularly impressed with the gravitas, transparency and noticeable quality he encountered at the meeting, and the total lack of highfalutin talk about how superior a job Koppel would do for BvCM.
Koppel’s spot-on tax advice never fails to boost our tax benefit
André repeatedly praises the soundness of Koppel’s tax advice: “Their specialist know-how, fresh way of looking at things and understanding of our business enable them time and again to set up our tax returns in such a clever way as to secure (additional) tax relief for us.” What is arguably even more important is that Koppel consistently gears its efforts to what would be best for BvCM: “They will only provide us with the best possible tax advice, even if it wouldn’t do their billable hours any good.” Taking advantage of the favourable tax climate in Curaçao is a case in point. Elaborates André: “Many companies have relocated there because of the attractive tax regime, and although we don’t know yet what the options are, we are obviously interested in finding out more. So far Nico has consistently shot down the ideas we have floated with him, for one and the same reason: because BvCM would not end up any the wiser. One suggestion in particular prompted him to comment that it would entail Koppel massively having to hike its billable hours in three years’ time, which would be great for Koppel, but no good at all for BvCM.”
It has been this kind of financial advice that Koppel has consistently been providing BvCM with. Says André: “Nico is nothing if not crystal clear where it concerns the tax paths to be taken. He is mindful of potential pitfalls where we may be fixated on the gains, and has a knack of explaining complex issues in layman’s terms.”
Koppel pays as much attention to the longer term
Koppel’s modus operandi is remarkably similar to that of BvCM: “Be upfront even where it may not do you much good in the immediate term. Keep your sights trained on the longer term rather than going for instant gratification and upsetting the apple cart in the process.” According to André it is this shared vision which accounts for much of the success: “We share the same passion, love and energy for our respective chosen fields. We both like to push the envelope in a good way. Soulmates, is what we are.”
Speed. Joining in the thinking process. Saying it how it is. The longer André thinks about what makes Koppel so special, the more advantages come to his mind. “Koppel consistently comes up with creative solutions to my tax issues that are totally within the rules and are designed to yield longer-term structural savings and gains rather than providing for a mere quick fix. Koppel knows how to translate tricky tax issues into instant tax advice – no frills, no jargon.”
The old situation
BvCM originally operated in tandem with one of the “Big Four” audit firms – too big for BvCM, as it turned out, in that questions took forever to be answered and lead times were (too) long. In addition to preparing BvCM’s financial statements, the firm in question also saw to the auditing thereof. BvCM thus found itself footing the bill for additional work it had never ordered, for fees which by its own more modest standards were overhead-ridden.
The solution
BvCM was introduced to Koppel Services by one of its business associates. Koppel instantly proved to be a much more flexible partner: not only does it provide BvCM spot-on with what the latter has been asking for, but it can also be relied upon to issue forthright tax advice, to the point where it will do its best to dissuade BvCM from pursuing what it considers bad business for them. Koppel operates from the vantage point of its clients and regards their best interests as paramount.
The benefits
- There is no-one at Koppel Services who is not proficient in “enterprise-speak”;
- Koppel gears its services to its clients’ needs;
- Pragmatic, forthright and to-the-point tax advice;
- Clear-cut answers rather than lots of fuzzy talk;
- Attractive price-performance ratio;
- Quick turnaround of questions.