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Written by:
Bas Hollenberg


Request childcare allowance 2012 and 2013

Request childcare allowance 2012 and 2013
Minister Asscher has previously announced that the limits of the request period for the childcare allowance 2012 and 2013 would be abolished. By doing this it gives parents who did not request the allowance the opportunity to still do so.
On the tax office website it states that is possible to apply for the allowance with retroactive effect via My Benefits (Mijn Toeslagen) from 15 May 2013. This also applies for parents who have already requested the childcare allowance for those years. They can also now apply for the allowance over months for which no request was possible.

Note: From benefit year 2014 the childcare allowance can only be requested for the month in which the application was made and the three months prior.

Source: RB