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Tax services

Are you having trouble navigating the complexities of Dutch tax law? Do you want to optimize your corporate taxes in the Netherlands? Are you involved in a dispute with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, and do you need expert assistance? Or are you simply looking for a registered tax advisor who offers tailor-made tax services for a wide range of industries and professions?

If so, look no further. Koppel Services is the perfect choice for the task. We offer a wide range of specialized tax services and can advise you on any conceivable fiscal topic. With an equally wide range of clients in all sectors of the economy, our experience is vast and varied. If you need top quality tax services for your business, our team is always up to the challenge.

Explore our range of business services

Participation exemption

Do you want to ease the tax burden carried by shareholders in your company? Often, a participation exemption provides an excellent solution. The team at Koppel Services offers practical t...

Double tax relief

Do you suspect your company is paying the same tax in multiple countries? Would you like to avoid double taxation? Koppel Services can help determine whether you are being taxed too much ...

Tax disputes

Is your company involved in a tax dispute with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration? Tax law in the Netherlands is highly complex and dealing with disputes can be difficult and time-c...

Dividend tax

Want to make sure your dividend tax strategies are optimized for the tax laws and regulations in the Netherlands? Koppel Services will help you find the ideal fiscal structure for your di...

Tax advice

Would you like more insight into your business’s fiscal situation? Are you looking for an advisor who can help you deal with overly complex taxes? Koppel Services offers professional ta...

Corporate tax

Are you looking for ways to improve your corporate tax situation in the Netherlands? Koppel Services has an excellent understanding of Dutch tax laws and regulations and offers tailor-mad...

Tax avoidance

Want to avoid paying taxes you don’t need to? Koppel Services offers various tax services focused on tax avoidance. We will help minimize the tax pressure on your company while simultan...

Tax planning

Would you like to increase your tax efficiency and avoid unnecessary costs? Tax planning is one of the most useful tax services when it comes to figuring out the optimum tax strategy. The...

Horizontal monitoring

Need to know that your tax return will be accepted without delay? Koppel Services offers horizontal monitoring. Our tax services are fully compliant with the standards of the Dutch Tax an...

Tax treaties

Does your home country have a tax treaty with the Netherlands, and would you like to know how this can benefit your business? Koppel Services has the knowledge and expertise necessary to ...

Asset seizure

Is your company facing impending asset seizure by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, or have your assets been seized due to a tax dispute? At times like these, you need tax service...

The advantages of professional tax services

The Netherlands has an intricate and complex tax landscape. As an entrepreneur or organization with vested interests in our country, there are many rules and regulations that you will need to adhere to. Figuring out exactly which rules apply to your situation can be a frustrating, time-consuming task. Making matters worse, there’s always the chance that you might miss a detail – and suffer harsh consequences.

At Koppel Services, we understand that you would rather focus on your core business. That’s why we offer specialized tax services to our international clients. Our tax services are always tailored to suit your exact needs, which means you will always have the support your company requires.

Would you like to know more about our tax services, or do you have a specific tax-related question? contact our team directly and make an appointment for an exploratory meeting.