Penalty-free voluntary disclosure
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 1 June 2014
Failed in your tax return to disclose your income? Our tip of the month tells you how to set the record straight!
Do you want direct access to important fiscal and financial news? Thanks to Koppel Services, staying up-to-date has never been easier. Our news section offers in-depth insights into a wide range of financial, organizational, administrative and tax-related topics. As part of our professional philosophy, we keep track of important developments across a wide range of industries. This not only gives us a uniquely comprehensive perspective on international tax laws and regulations, but also allows us to delve deeper into subjects that are relevant to your business. If you're looking for a specific story or insight, please select a category to the right. Our news selection will update automatically to reflect your choice.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 1 June 2014
Failed in your tax return to disclose your income? Our tip of the month tells you how to set the record straight!
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 4 May 2014
Do you expect to pay less tax next year? Read now our tip on prepay your mortgage!
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 3 April 2014
If you have been considering home (or garden) improvements, now would be the perfect time to hop to it. Why? Read it in our tip of the month!
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 3 March 2014
It is essential that your income tax return for 2013 should reach the Tax and Customs Administration before the first of April 2014 in order for you not to be penalised. Read what we can do for you!
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 5 February 2014
If you as an employer provide your employees a company car, the employees benefit from this private use of the company car. This private benefit must be corrected for the VAT.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 31 December 2013
Our new year’s resolution for 2014 is to inform you about Dutch taxes. So as of January we start with tips for tax savings in 2014. All of these tips can be found under the “Tax Newsflash” section. If you think that you have missed a tip, do not worry: you can find all the […]
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 3 December 2013
Read our tips about tax saving in the last month of 2013.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 8 November 2013
If you have a self-managed pension you need to amend the conditions in order to comply with the changes in the Law as from January 1, 2014.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 8 October 2013
October is a VAT return month for quarterly filing. The tax office have recently announced that they will do stricter checks on sales tax owed.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 3 September 2013
If on January 1, 2013 you were in possession of more than 10 rental properties then it is possible that you will be required to submit a rental tax declaration.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 13 August 2013
It has recently become easier for entrepreneurs from outside the European Union to establish themselves in the Netherlands
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 16 July 2013
The amendment to the arbitrary depreciation rule makes it possible to depreciate 50% of new assets purchased in the second half of 2013.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 19 June 2013
In 2013 new rules apply for the determination of your personal contribution to the AWBZ and WMO schemes. Here we explain the affect your assets have on the amount.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 22 May 2013
As of 1 January 2014 the European Union will introduce SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area).
The objective of SEPA is harmonisation and simplification of bank transfers within the Euro zone.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 10 April 2013
It can be beneficial to lodge an appeal against the set WOZ value as this is of influence for your income tax and other municipal taxes
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 28 February 2013
In this tip of the month we will outline the deadlines for the filing of your income tax return 2012. We can extend the deadline for you until 1 may 2014!
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 5 February 2013
In this article we provide an overview of the 30% ruling. We explain when this tax advantage is applicable and all other aspects surrounding the 30% facility.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 19 December 2012
In the Netherlands you are able to apply for an upfront provisional tax refund (‘voorlopige aanslag/teruggaaf’). This means that you could receive a tax refund on a monthly basis.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 21 October 2012
The Dutch Tax Plan for 2013 contains several tax collection measures.
We have summarized the most important details for you below so you can prepare for your tax situation.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 4 June 2012
As of July 1st a number of favourable tax facilities for economical cars will go. So hurry up if you are considering buying!
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 31 January 2012
There is a new centralized arrangement between the Ministry of Finance and tax advice organizations for the private use of the company car. It is important to make an objection to the private use adjustment in good time in order to enjoy the benefits.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 31 December 2011
New possibilities for the application and changes for benefits. More services possible through a seemingly simple solution.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 30 November 2011
All the rules concerning living arrangements have been drastically revised. Take note of the formal changes to obtaining and retaining a tax partnership. Let us advise you on this matter. The deadline is Janyary 1, 2012.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 29 August 2011
Have you started construction or renovation on a house which is older than two years before July 1, 2011? Then the lower tax rate of 6% still applies to the labour if the work is finished before October 1, 2011.
Written by: Bas Hollenberg | 16 August 2011
The deadline for requesting a refund of the 2010 VAT paid in another EU country is September 30, 2011. This must be submitted to the Belastingdienst website using a special login code.